17th and 18th August 2020 – Business Safety Solutions is hosting its first webinars!

Published on 8 August 2020

17th and 18th August 2020 – Business Safety Solutions is hosting its first webinars!

The presentation is on Covid-19 it covers aspects that the Employer should have already addressed in their risk assessments both of the workplace and at home. There is a Micro-Teach to help support anyone who would like a better understanding of how to conduct a risk assessment and in this case a Covid-19 one. 

Join us at 1.30pm each day – register your place here – 

The Micro-Teach, Risk Assessment blanks and some government guidance are freely available to download from https://businesssafetysolutions.co.uk/downloads/

The Micro-teach details all aspects of the risk assessment process showing a stepped approach and utilising the hierarchy of controls to reduce the risks to their residual levels.

The final section of the presentation is dedicated to how BSS.Ltd can support you with Covid-19 where a competent person will carry out and audit, lay down action plans which result in proper training of your Staff which effective procedures and processes. As part of this business evaluation BSS will complete the risk assessment for you and provide you with information on supporting your Staff in terms of Health and Wellbeing.

Business Safety Solutions is capable of a lot more in terms of Safety, Quality, Capability and Environment providing sensible quality advice at an affordable structured cost for every business.