Common Workplace Hazards and How to Prevent Them – Covering SIX Types Of Hazards

Published on 23 June 2023

Common Workplace Hazards and How to Prevent Them – Covering SIX Types Of Hazards

Within the workplace, there are a number of potential safety hazards that everyone should be aware of. The risk of hazards and quantity will ultimately depend on the sectors and your type of business. 

In this latest blog post, Business Safety Solutions will be covering some of the most common workplace hazards and highlighting the best practices that you can implement to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Common workplace hazards we’ll be covering include;

  • Slips And Falls
  • Ergonomic Hazards
  • Fire Hazards
  • Electrical Hazards
  • Noise Hazards
  • Psychological Hazards

Slips And Falls

Regardless of your business type or sector, slips and falls are possible. Although you can’t eliminate the possibility of slips completely, there are certain things you can do to significantly reduce these particular hazards. For business premises such as factories and food processing units, slips and falls may be more likely. It’s always a good decision to ensure you have performed a health and safety audit that identified clear areas of where slips and falls may be likely.

Here is what we recommend:

  • Ensure walkways are clear of any obstacles that could result in someone injuring themselves.
  • Make sure to put up warning signs for wet or slippery areas (if we regularly, keep signs up at all times).
  • Throughout all working areas, ensure that there is proper lighting installed.
  • Install sustainable handrails wherever stairs are local and also provide non-slip flooring.

Ergonomic Hazards

An ergonomic hazard refers to any physical condition or factor present in the workplace that has the potential to result in injuries or health issues. Most types of ergonomic hazards to be identified and prevented are for offices. If employees don’t have the correct equipment to safely work at a computer for example, it may lead to muscle injuries such as neck strains. Therefore, it’s hugely important to identify all potential ergonomic hazards within your workplace and take the steps to prevent them.

Here is what we recommend:

  • Make sure that all workstations are designed with user in mind (desk height, proper chair & equipment).
  • Encourage employees and workers to take advantage of their breaks for stretching and standing.
  • Ensure that as the employer you are providing sufficient training for lifting and use of equipment.

Hazardous Substances

If your day-to-day business involves working with chemicals, for example with industrial or electrical sites, it’s important to be fully aware of all potential hazardous substances that workers are exposed to. Once identified, you can then take the necessary steps to reduce the risk .

Here is what we recommend:

  • Ensure that all containers are labelled clearly and store hazardous chemicals properly.
  • Provide all employees with personal protective equipment (PPE) including goggles, masks and gloves.
  • Arrange sufficient training on disposal of hazardous substances, storage and safe handling.

Fire Hazards

As a starting point, fire risk assessments are a legal requirement and they should also be reviewed annually to ensure they continue to be fit-for-purpose. Fire risk assessments identify clear hazards so that you can take the necessary steps in significantly reducing or eliminating them. 

Here is what we recommend:

  • Ensure fire risk assessments are conducted.
  • Review assessments annually in-line with any changes made within the premises.
  • Install and maintain fire detection and suppression systems.

Electrical Hazards

In some businesses, electrical hazards will be more prevalent than others. Electrical hazards can lead to electric shock, burns, fires, explosions, or other serious injuries. Just like all the other hazards mentioned above, it’s massively important to firstly identify hazards so then you can implement them to prevent electrical hazards.

Here is what we recommend:

  • Regularly inspect electrical equipment and cords for damage.
  • Ensure outlets are not overloaded.
  • Provide training on electrical safety and lockout/tagout procedures.

Noise Hazards

Noise hazards in the workplace refer to excessive or prolonged exposure to high levels of noise that can negatively impact an individual’s health and well-being. It’s important to ensure that you are eliminating noise hazards to their minimum.

Here is what we recommend:

  • Use engineering controls to reduce noise levels.
  • Provide hearing protection devices where necessary.
  • Rotate employees working in noisy areas to minimise exposure.

Psychological Hazards

Psychological hazards in the workplace refer to factors that can negatively impact an individual’s mental and emotional well-being. Psychological hazards can have a direct correlation between mental health conditions.

Here is what we recommend:

  • Promote a positive work environment and address issues of stress and workplace bullying.
  • Provide support systems such as employee assistance programs.
  • Encourage work-life balance and promote mental health awareness.