Osteopathic Guidelines to working from home!

Published on 4 November 2020

Osteopathic Guidelines to working from home!

This week Business Safety Solutions teamed up with one of the North West’s top Osteopathic Practitioner’s – Suzette Pulman. Suzette’s has been finding as more people work from home there has been an increase in those suffering from ailments as a result. Determined to help Suzette has recorded a professional and informative Podcast where she outlines the best methods to adopt in every aspect of Homeworking. It highlights useful tips to enable you to get the correct posture whilst being comfortable and how to protect your body from pain. Listen to Suzette’s podcast on the link below:- 


BSS has been happy to support Suzette in this charitable adventure providing a free checklist relating to how best to create your work environment. It also details how best to support your back, head alignment and supporting your spine to achieve the best possible Posture. Finally there is a section on Mental & Physical Wellbeing and useful website links where to get additional help and support.

Please feel free to download it !

For more guidance on Homeworking and risk assessments, Covid-19 Checklist please visit the download tab or contact us for a free consultation on how best we could support you call 01244 455277