Every Day is a Learning Day!

Published on 8 August 2020

Every Day is a Learning Day!

Business Safety Solutions are proud to announce Gary Durnall has achieved City & Guilds Level 3 CAVA & AET Awards

Gary as Director strongly believes in Continuing Professional Development (CPD) over the last 5 years he has received a Distinction in his NEBOSH GC, passed Level 4 WAMITAB HROC06 treatment and transfer of Hazardous waste, and carried out several online 6 Sigma courses for Green and Black belts.

About the awards:-

The Level 3 Certificate in Assessing Vocational Achievement is the most comprehensive assessor qualification.

This qualifies Business Safety Solutions to assess learners in their place of work and in learning environments as well. Essentially, this means having completed the CAVA, I am a fully qualified assessor in my area of expertise. So, whether I need to be able to observe learners in the workplace or assess their vocational knowledge through assignment-based tasks and question and answer sessions in classrooms, BSS.Ltd by passing the CAVA assessor course will have you covered for your industry. While taking this course Gary also carried out a DBS check and PREVENT Certificate.

Level 3 Award in Education and Training AET Course

This award is designed to give people the knowledge and confidence to teach adults in any speciality subject area.  Level 3 AET course is designed to contribute towards the knowledge and understanding of how to carry out all training such for example the IOSH Managing Safely Course.